Parent Volunteers Needed
This is how you do it:


Click on a Parent Letter (English or Spanish)


1. To complete the step-by-step process:  

  • It has online links for the volunteer packet. (Note, this packet has not been signed  by the Principal.  You will need to print out doc, fill it out and leave it for signatures before moving on to next steps)
  • Click on link to complete the MANDATORY COVID doc


2. Signatures needed

Drop off packet for signatures.


3. Training Available 

Click link for free training

4. Fingerprint & Criminal Background Form

– Click on link,

– print form,

– call number to schedule an appointment

– take form to appointment at The Serna Center


Once clearance is set, an email will be sent to the Office Manager and you will receive a call from the school to begin your service.


Thank you in Advance!