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“A Wellness Policy is an important tool for parents, educational agencies and school districts in promoting student wellness, preventing and reducing childhood obesity, and assuring that school meal nutrition guidelines meet the minimum federal school meal standards. It contains goals specifically for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school based activities that promote student wellness.” –USDA
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I bring snacks for the class on my child’s birthday or general classroom celebration?
Yes, as long as the snack meets state and federal regulations for food served during the school day, such as fresh fruit, 100% fruit juice and whole grain snacks. Most cupcakes/cakes do not meet these requirements. Other non-food related options are possible, including but not limited to pencils, erasers, or other small items.
Do these regulations apply to food items that students bring from home for their own personal consumption?
No – Parents may decide what food items they want their own child to have.
May teachers give students candy/food as a reward for good behavior?
No – BP 3050 Student Wellness Policy restricts the use of food for rewards. The district as a whole wants to limit access to unhealthy items during the school day that decay teeth and teach unhealthy lifelong habits.
Do these regulations apply to sports games and parent-sponsored events?
Concessions sold at sporting events may begin 30 minutes after the school day ends at any grade level.
The regulations do not apply to food sold to adults.
These regulations do not apply to food sold at events held in the evenings or on weekends.
School student-organizations must comply with all food and beverage standards. This includes how many items they can sell, pre-approval of the items, when they can sell, how many sales can be done per year, and more.
The regulations apply to food sold and served to students before school, during the school day and until 30 minutes after the conclusion of any extended learning program (30 minutes after Boys & Girls Club ends at 6pm) for Elementary schools.
Classroom Celebration Ideas:
SCUSD employees, parent organizations and outside organizations will not use any food or beverage as a reward, incentive or punishment for academic performance or good behavior. Schools can promote a positive learning environment by shifting the focus from food during classroom celebrations, and striving to have non-food celebrations or healthy non-allergenic food. Food must be compliant with Competitive Foods regulations.
Healthy snack options:
· Fresh fruit
· Smoothies
· Frozen bananas with shredded coconut
· Vegetables with a variety of healthy dips (hummus, guacamole, salad dressing)
Awesome Celebration Ideas:
· Games, such as relays
· Hold class outdoors
· “Free choice” time
· Stickers/pencils
· Balloons/bubbles
· Art supplies/projects
· Read a story
· Movie day
Edward Kemble School recognizes that student birthdays are very special days. Parent/Guardians may send a small gift bag (non-food items) for students to share with their class at a time determined by the classroom teacher (arrange with teacher first).
Per SCUSD Nutrition Policy, we are asking parents to not bring in treats as there are lots of students with allergies. Out of respect for all students and the educational process, items such as invitations, gifts, balloons, or flowers are not to be distributed at school.